Secure Start DOS

Why do you need it?

Secure Start works in DOS mode and consists of six utilities:

1. WatchDog;

2. Startup Items editor;

3. Feature to restore Startup Profiles;

4. System files editor;

5. Feature for password protection of Windows;

6. Feature to Save or Restore Registry (Windows 98 only) or launch any DOS program.


Many of these utilities are very useful for experienced users but everyone needs some of them. Read more details about each feature.




WatchDog is your spy into the hidden side of Windows.

In the early stage of Windows startup there are many hidden operations that may be very important to you. But the Windows hides it behind the logo curtain.

Do you want to know about it? WatchDog tells you.

On the first stage of startup the Windows processes the "wininit.ini" file that is located in the "Windows" folder. The structure of "wininit.ini" is similar to other "ini" files.

It has one section [Rename] and any quantity of rows.

A simple example of "wininit.ini":







This file was created by the Microsoft Scanreg utility. The file on the right side is copied to the file on the left side. If on the left side you see "NUL," the file will be deleted. The "system.dat" and "user.dat" files are called "The Registry", i.e. the Microsoft utilities often use the wininit.ini file to modify very important files!

OK! The Microsoft utilities work well, but what do you think about others? Very often the new program that you've installed asks you to reboot the computer. Probably, it needs to replace a system DLL, font or a do something else.

Be observant. As you observe these actions, you will begin to understand.

Note! Windows renames the "wininit.ini" to "wininit.bak" after processing is complete.


Unfortunately, installation programs need more than "wininit.ini".

In many cases, it is necessary to launch special programs. And these programs

use Windows(not DOS) long file names, Windows API etc.

The Windows has the two registry keys for this purpose:

1. "HKLM\Software\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServicesOnce".

The programs in this key run before the user logs on to the system.

2. "HKLM\Software\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce".

The programs in this key run for every user in the system.


The programs will be launched only once!

After a successful launch, Windows clears the keys.

Unfortunately, any of the programs that start from registry keys may hang and lock the system, because Windows can't continue loading when a program doesn't finish.

You have no remedy other than loading in Safe mode and deleting keys manually.

WatchDog will resolve these problems!

To get know how to do it, read the chapter "Usage Secure Start".

If you know that the items was deleted during this session, you can

find it later in the files: disonce.reg and disonces.reg. So you will have

a chance to restore it if you want.